Sunday 6 April 2014

OUGD402 Brief 02 First Thoughts and Idea Development

As part of our personal and Professional practice work we have been asked to fulfil the following brief.

To start off with an to ensure that I have fully fulfilled the brief I produced a mind map answering all of the questions outlined in the background considerations.
The most dominant question when it ones to self branding is 'Who are you?'
I have come up with two options for both visual and conceptual directions to go in.

- The first and most obvious answer is Elizabeth Taylor. This suggests a visual direction of the classic,black and white persuasion as a play on the fact that I share a name with a famous 1950 screen siren. i could play on all the visuals of films and poster of the time.

- The second was actually an idea I have come up with before we got given this brief and it is based around the idea that the most defining point of my character is that I can talk and chatter about graphic design till the ends of the earth, or anything I am passionate about to be honest. I came up with the name 'The Loquacious Student'. The languid nature of the word suggests quite a flowing typographic aesthetic. I would also like to play on the idea of the written word (which also form part of my loquacious nature if you hadn't noticed) by including almost calligraphic aspects. 

By the way the word loquacious means very talkative or chatty but also has a slight negative connotation of over talkative which suggests a slightly self deprecating side that all self branding needs to not be over self praising. 

When Considering the format of this information pack I started thinking about what I would want to receive if I were a professional and what would grab my attention. This would be something useful or interactive in some way so that it is not simply something you are expected to look at and read. I am slightly more swayed towards the loquacious student idea because I feel it has more opportunities of creating something individual. So I was thinking about chatting and the different ways people do so. It then came to me that I could create some sort of branded tea set that promoted all of my answers to the questions in the background considerations of the brief.

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